Monday, February 14, 2011

This and That

 We woke up to a blanket of snow last Thursday and Aiden and I got out in it and built this huge snowman!  Aiden rolled the snow until it was too heavy and then I continued rolling to make them larger- we both got a work out.  Most of the snow was melted by lunch time but our snowman is actually still standing (part of him).  It is supposed to be in the 60's today, so I don't think he will last much longer.
 Recently we went to Chuck-E-Cheese with our friends Dylan and Jacob.  Aiden LOVED this place!  lots of games with lots of buttons to press.  At first he was happy playing most of the games without any coins in them, but he quickly realized they were more fun when he turned them on and he kept asking me for "more money please".  He liked driving the car the best.  Unfortunately we had to leave early because it was one of those times where Ty had a melt down (as babies do when they are tired).  We hope to go back soon!
 Dylan and Aiden playing air hockey
Now that Ty is one year (or close enough), we turned his car seat around and this is the view from my rear-view mirror. :-)  That's a sock in the middle seat- Ty's favorite thing to do in the car is take them off.
 We've had some morning PJ-play time with the Nichols' boys lately.  We love having them over and usually they all play well together.  When they were here, the play room got very quiet and I turned around and the 4 boys were all playing individually.  I just thought it was funny that they chose to play by themselves when they had playmates just a few feet away.  The rest of the day they colored, built Lego's, raced cars and played Aiden's leapster game together. 
We are always busy around here- but I just wanted to give you a quick update of what we've been doing lately!

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