Thursday, March 18, 2010

1 month

Ty is one month old today! Where has the time gone? Already it seems like it's going by so quickly.

Part of me feels like he was born just yesterday and the other part feels as if he's been here all along. I know I am so blessed to have my boys- they are healthy and happy and not to mention, adorable!
He always looks so serious- like he is in deep thought.

Ty is . . .

sleeping great at night, up 1-3 times to feed and right back to sleep

not a good burper. I've been thrown up (not spit up) on more times than I care to remember. We make sure he burps more often now.

picking his head up very well. Jeff calls it "turtle head" when he lifts his head up looks side to side and lays it back down. Often times, he does it in his sleep. :-)

a great shopper! he loves his car seat and sleeps in it 90% of the time.

still not a fan of taking baths- he gets cold and screams while in the water.

likes to keep his legs and feet tucked in

likes being held face down up on a shoulder best

still wearing newborn clothes, but they are getting tight- not too much longer

Happy 1 month B-day Ty!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Ty, wow 1 month has gone by so fast. I haven't seen him in a few weeks, so I can tell in the pictures, he is really filling out, and doesn't look like a new born. He is another cutie..., your blog brightens my day at work, I take a little "Nana" break and check out the boys. Great pictures Heidi!
