Saturday, March 24, 2012


Jeff took Aiden to see his first movie Dr Seuss' The Lorax in 3-D.
(written by Jeff)
Aiden didn't know what we were getting into when we stepped into the theatre, but his eyes lit up when he saw the candy, pop corn, and drinks. All I could think was how rediculous the prices were, but with this being Aiden's first movie experience we got a bag of popcorn and a large icy for just $16, what a deal! We sat down and Aiden immediately started slurping the drink loudly as the previews started. After the first preview, as Aiden digested the volume level of the speakers, the theatre got quiet and he loudly stated "Dadda, that's really loud." When the movie started, we had on our 3-D glasses and Aiden asked how the people came out of the screen. We had a blast!  On the ride home I looked at him in the rearview mirror and I could tell he was thinking hard. ''What are you thinking about buddy?" I asked. He said " How big were the holes on the screen?" What do you mean Aiden? "The holes that the people went back into." I started laughing. I love the mind of a 4 year old.

1 comment:

  1. His drink looks as big as Aiden ....that is cute about him asking about the holes in the screen
