Sunday, March 31, 2013


The Easter Bunny came to the Baxter house and brought lots of goodies!  He brought Aiden a really cool watch with lots of buttons; it even lights up!  He brought Ty some cool sunglasses and Mark some baby toys and baby food.  He also brought a new game and lots of candy (of course).  The boys loved seeing their names on their baskets, and Aiden reminded us of the time all morning long and we were in fact late for church. 

After opening all the eggs, we ate some breakfast and got ready for church.  We were walking out the door and I actually spilled coffee on myself and had to change my entire outfit.  But the boys looked cute, so I attempted a picture of all 3 smiling. . .  and I got all 3 of them smiling, just at different times. 
Mark's good smile . . .
Ty's good smile . . . 
and Aiden's good smile . . . 
if only I could get them to smile together or if I had the time to photoshop a picture to make it look like they did.
Later, we went to Nana and Papa's house for a cook out and an egg hunt in the front yard.  The eggs were hidden in lots of neat places, even on the cars.  The boys had a great time hiding them.  They also made a new friend, Casen, who played hide-n-seek and other games outside with them after dinner.  Aiden loved playing with him and he asked if he would be at Nana and Papa's house when we came back.

Layla and Mark will get to hunt next year!

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