Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A look back . . .

As 2009 comes to a close I am reflecting on memories of the past year. Of course Aiden has changed so much this year and our lives revolve around him.
He only started walking in January and now he is running and has even started jumping. He started climbing before he was walking and still does it now. He has climbed onto the kitchen counter, on the coffee table and even out of his crib- my little monkey!
His vocabulary has expanded tremendously this year. He is still a quiet child, but he is learning new words everyday. Just this week, he learned "shark" and "yo-yo". I would estimate that he has about 30-40 words in his vocabulary. No phrases or sentences yet- he is a one word kid. His favorites are "hot", "cold", "ut oh", "Mom" and "Da-da".
Aiden has become much more independent this year- sometimes a little too independent. :-) He has learned to eat with a spoon and fork, although still gets frustrated occasionally when the food falls off. I am thankful that he is such a good eater- not picky at all, he loves his fruit and eats just about anything I cook.
Since he was very young, Aiden has always been a good sleeper- he still takes a 2-3 hour nap every day and sleeps 10-12 hours at night. Let's hope this new baby will follow suit.

Jeff and I have grown as a couple this year and discovered once again that open communication is a key essential in our relationship. We have made some lasting valuable friendships this year which we don't take for granted. Our family has proven time and time again their love for us and their love for Aiden. God has provided and blessed us tremendously and we have no doubt that He will continue to do so.

What will you remember about 2009?

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