Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Ty- 3 months

Ty is 3 months old today! It's hard to believe

Ty . . .

is so big! According to my scale he is 15 1/2 lbs! (almost double his birth weight)

loves to be looked at and talked to. Daddy does this a lot and Ty gets very upset when he quits to do something else.

is very gassy and toots very loud! What a boy!

smiles all the time! He smiles and gets excited when I go to pick him up.

is such a great sleeper at night. He goes down around 9:30-10 and usually wakes up to eat around 5:30am. 7-8 hours already!

eats constantly during the day- about every 2 hours. I don't mind though since he sleeps so well at night.

is not even trying to roll over. He's not interested in doing it, but he is bearing all his weight now.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on a toddler who is sleeping in undies and a 12 week old who sleeps all night :O)
