Monday, May 3, 2010


We're at that point where Aiden is repeating EVERYTHING! He likes to repeat the last word in each sentence I say. He talks so much these days. Some of his favorite words are:

Yucky- which comes out "Uck-Key" He says it when he eats something he doesn't like, or when he sees a bug outside.

Yellow- his favorite color and he thinks all things are "whey-woa". Sometimes he recognizes blue as well.

Hot- he's been saying it for a long time, but he still loves to tell us when something is hot (pictures in a book, the stove, his food, etc.)

Ty- he constantly let's me know what is Ty's (diapers, cloths, etc.) and where Ty is.

boo-boo- he has scraped his knee multiple times the past month and he likes to show off his "boo-boo".

Elmo- when he wants to watch sesame street or when he sees Elmo.

Heavy- he is always trying to pick up heavy things, and move them. He moves my coffee table all the time- he really is strong, but now he says "heavy" as he's moving/lifting.

Outside- he is always asking to go outside.

Okay- this is funny! when he is scared/nervous he will reassure himself by saying "okay" as in "I'm okay". He does it when were wrestling and he goes upside down or when I turn the vacuum on.

He has picked up a few phrases too:

Here ya go- he just repeats this when I say it to him.

Thank you- which comes out "ank (long pause) youuuuuuu". And he will say it again and again until he gets the response "your welcome"

All gone- this is usually said after a meal when he eats everything on his plate. :-)

All done- when he is ready to get down from his high chair

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