Sunday, July 18, 2010

5 months

Ty is 5 months old today! I took some pics after church. . . I probably should have done them before so he wouldn't have drool all over his shirt- but that's Ty- always drooling!

Ty . . .

is about 19 lbs- he is so heavy!

is rolling around everywhere- he will roll across the room from one side to the other

is still just eating mommy's milk- we have tried to spoon feed him some cereal a couple times and he didn't like it at all. It will take some practice.

has successfully taken a few bottles this past week!

is such a great sleeper- he has slept through the night consistently for about 2 months now. He has woke up twice in that time, but he sleeps from 9 or 10pm until 7am. His naps are on and off, I am trying to get him to nap in his bed. He usually naps in the swing or bouncy seat.

has started playing with some toys- he can reach for them, but they usually end up in his mouth

drools constantly! He can soak a shirt in 5 min (see pics), but no teeth yet.

loves to be held on my hip facing outward so he can see everything. I hold him like this to clean/do laundry etc.
does not like a passy at all!  He makes a funny face when I put it in his mouth like "what is this?"

1 comment:

  1. He looks like such a happy baby. Can't wait to meet him. Only 4 more weeks!
