Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Recently, Aiden has been saying prayers by himself.  He has watched Jeff and I pray before meals and at bedtime for a while now.  He would exclaim "Amen" afterword, and we thought that was cute.  Then we taught him to repeat simple prayers, and he liked doing that as well.  Now, he (in his own 2 year old mind) thinks of people to thank God for.  His prayers always start with "Thank you God", then a short pause and then he says, "for _____"  he lists names from there (his family, friends, usually the people we interact with throughout the day, and sometimes himself).  Often times, if we're in a hurry to sit down and we forget, Aiden will remind us- he shouts "gotta pray!".  He is anxious for his opportunity to pray (as we should be).
It is so pure and sweet to listen to him talk to God.  Aiden's prayers are casual, they are thoughtful, they are simple, and they are honest (just the way prayer should be).  I just think of the delight it brings to God- it certainly brings joy to my heart.  Of all the things we have taught him thus far, this might just be the one thing I am most proud of. :-) And in watching Aiden pray, he is teaching me just as much as I am teaching him.  


  1. You and Jeff are doing a GREAT job in this area. Not only are we proud of you but God must be overjoyed. :)

  2. I have witnessed this and let me tell you - it will touch your heart! For some reason, MOM always seems to get in the prayer - usually just before the big AMEN! :-)

  3. This has touched my heart this morning, how sweet and pure and tender! I know his Great Grannie is rejoycing in heaven. You & Jeff are bringing these wonderful grandsons up the RIGHT way. I love yall, and thank you so much for sharing this with me. It was a blessing this morning.

  4. That is the sweetest thing ever! Hope he keeps it up as he gets older. :)

  5. So touching. What a great example you are setting for your boys. And a great reminder to us big kids how special prayer really is. Thank you for sharing. :)

    Jennifer Wisz
