Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas 2011

In spite of all 3 boys (Jeff included) being sick, we had a great Christmas!  Santa came and brought the bicycle Aiden had hoped for!  He also brought a tool set, playdoh, a remote control car, another jumpsuit for Aiden and Elmo bag and a laptop for Ty. 

Aiden was unenthusiastic to say the least when he first woke up.  I said "Look what Santa brought Aiden", and he casually said "oh".  He got more excited when we started opening gifts.

Aiden tried out his bike in the house and was a natural.  He rode it everywhere!
Ty woke up shortly after Aiden.  Santa brought him toothpaste in his stocking.  Both the boys had a Thomas spin toothbrush in their stockings, which was a big hit.  Aiden went in the bathroom and tested it out.  :-)

Aiden and Dadda picked out a special gift for Ty- an Elmo cell phone.  Aiden helped wrap it and here he is giving his brother his gift.  Most of Ty's gifts were Elmo related and he loved his phone.
Jeff completely surprised me with an iPad.  I was shocked and I love it!
Nannie came over and brought lots of presents, including this basketball goal.  Ty made a basket on his first try.  They both liked shooting hoops!
Ty got a bike of his own too!
The rock-n-roll Elmo was a big hit with both the boys.  Ty gave Elmo a kiss and danced with him as he sang.
Aiden wanted to put his new "jumpsuit" on shortly after he opened it and he kept it on all day. 
Nannie and the boys. 
We enjoyed Christmas lunch- Beef Tenderloin, Mac-n-cheese, Sweet Potato Souffle, and Green Bean Casserole and then the boys went down for a nap- Aiden laid down in his room for a rest (no sleeping). 

Later Nana, Papa, Gram and Chief stopped by to see what Santa brought.  They gave the boys a Hallmark recordable book- Charlie brown.  Papa showed it to Aiden. 
Aiden rode his bicycle outside for a bit and he showed everybody all of his new toys.  We all sang Happy Birthday to Jesus and ate cake.   

Christmas is so much fun with the boys.  Seeing their faces light up is more fulfilling than receiving gifts.  Now, I need to get all my boys healthy again.

1 comment:

  1. Very Precious memories, you have some wonderful memories on your blog for the boys. Thanks for making my day, everyday I check your blog, and you always make me smile.
