Sunday, November 11, 2012

1 month

Mark is one month old!

 Mark . . .

is such a sweet baby.  He is so cuddly and I love to hold him.

usually has a confused look on his face (like in this picture).  This is the face he makes 90% of the time.

likes to be held upright on the chest or shoulder.

likes the bouncy seat best.  Sometimes he'll hang out in the swing, but he sometimes cries when I put him in it where as the bouncy seat soothes him.  He will sleep in it at night sometimes too.

spits up a lot.  The past two weeks it seems like I change his and my own clothes at least twice a day.

eats about every three hours and sleeps on and off during the day.  He is usually awake for about a total of two or three hours each day.

has peed and pooped on me more than either of his brothers' ever did.  For some reason, when the diaper comes off, he likes to go.  Once it happened during a middle of the night changing and I woke Jeff up to go get me towels.  He has shot poop onto my leg- not fun at 2:00am!

has already rolled over!  I usually put him on his belly a few times a day and a few days ago, he got angry and rolled himself over (from front to back).  He did it again the next day too!

grunts, or makes little noises a lot.  They seem so loud in church during the sermon.

(in my opinion) looks just like Aiden when he was a baby.  I see Aiden in him so much, especially in his eyes.  Everyone else says he looks like both the boys and like Jeff.

Aiden and Ty just love "baby Mark" and they always call him that.  They are both very sweet to him.  When he cries, Ty will come over and put his pacifier in his mouth and bounce his chair if need be.  Aiden loves to hug and "pet" Mark all the time.  Sometimes a little too much.  Aiden helps when we are riding in the car; getting his pacifier or moving his car seat when Mark gets fussy.  Aiden also likes to show Mark things; he'll read books to him, flipping the pages and talking to him, or he'll show him his toys and explain how he plays with them.  It is so sweet to watch him. 



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