Monday, February 18, 2013

Ty at 3 years

Ty is 3 years old today!

Ty . . .

talks constantly and has the cutest voice.  He has trouble with "k" and "s" sounds.  Socks are "tocks"  He also has a southern twang to his voice.  Here is "Hee-yaa"

loves to try new foods.  If he sees something he doesn't recognize, he'll ask if he can try it and most of the time he'll say, "I like it" (even when he actually doesn't).

is generally a good big brother, but has had a few moments of being too rough with baby Mark.  He has been known to wrestle and put his pacifier in too hard.

loves to push cars/trucks around the house.

loves to throw stuff.  If I ask him to bring me something, he will more than likely throw it at me rather than hand it to me.

loves and admires his big brother and wants to do everything he does including going to school, playing baseball, etc.

is generally a very obediant child.  He will follow instructions the first time they are given.

loves to help.  He likes to do laundry (put clothes and soap in washer), unload dishwasher, vacuum, and cook (stir).

has been hitting Aiden lately when he does something Ty doesn't like.  Aiden will say, "Mom, Ty hit me" and Ty will respond, "Now I'm not!"

is still attached to his blue sports blanket.  He always wants it at night and usually drags it out of bed when he wakes up.

can fully dress and undress himself!  even socks and his velcro tennis shoes.  Occasionally his clothes are on backwards, but they are on.

loves the song, "I like to move it, move it" and gets very excited when he hears it.

loves Team Umizoomi and if asked what show he would like to watch, he will always choose Umizoomi.  It's the only show that will hold his attention all the way through.  He will watch other shows (Dora, Bubble Guppies, Daniel Tiger) randomly, but will get bored half way through.

loves to drive the jeep!

wants to share everything.  He always offers whatever he has to me or Aiden by saying, "you want some?"

loves macaroni, french fries, salad (just the lettuce), and most of all chips.

wears 4T pants, 4T shirts, and size 11 shoe.

requested to have pizza for dinner tonight.  I gave him m-n-m's this morning and sang Happy Birthday to him.  When people said Happy Birthday to him, he said it back to them.

Happy 3rd Birthday Ty-bo! 

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