Sunday, June 9, 2013

Third Child

There are just some things that come along with being a third child . . .

We were headed out the door after scarfing down dinner to baseball practice.  Aiden had his cleats on and his glove in hand.  I grabbed the diaper bag, put Ty's shoes on and asked Jeff to grab the baby to put him in the car.  We pull up and Jeff and Aiden went ahead to practice so they wouldn't be late.  I pulled out the stroller and opened the car door to get Mark out and I realized he wasn't wearing any pants!  I'm not sure how, but Jeff said he didn't notice that when he picked him up and put him in the car.  I think Mark can get away with this at his age, but probably not in a few years.  I'll check to make sure he is fully clothed before we head out the door from now on.

I had dinner in the oven and we were waiting for Dadda to get home.  We went outside to ride bikes until he arrived.  I put Mark in his bouncy seat by the front door so he could watch his brother ride.  I sat in my chair and a few minutes later Jeff drives in, I tell the boys to put their bikes away and wash their hands for dinner.  I hugged my husband, pulled dinner out of the oven and served dinner at the table.  We prayed and started eating and discussing the events of that day.  About 5 minutes into dinner, I realized- We left the baby outside!  Sure enough, he was right where I left him bouncing away enjoying the summer breeze.  Maybe we should do a head count before dinner from now on.

It was raining and we needed groceries desperately.  I avoid taking all 3 to the grocery store whenever possible, but sometimes there is no getting around it and this was one of those times.  I had my list and a reward in mind if they behaved in order for me to get the essentials I needed that day.  I put 3 boys in my grocery cart and pushed the cart quickly into the store.  As I'm shopping I'm hearing the thunder and heavy rain, hoping it will let up before I have to make that trip back to the car.  Now, with my cart full of groceries (lodged around the boys), I double check the list and head to the check out line.  Just then I realize I left the money (grocery envelope) in the car, and my wallet as well.  I have no way to pay for these groceries!  I stood there for a few seconds contemplating on what to do; the cashier in front of me was a middle-aged woman (a mother I had hoped) and as much as I hated to do it, I asked her to watch the kids, while I ran out to the car.  She looked at me strangely and asked, "will the baby cry?"  I said "no" and literally sprinted to the car, praying the whole time that God would protect my kids.  I ran back in and they barely knew I was gone.  I still can't believe I asked a complete stranger to watch my kids in a public place, but I was desperate, and thankfully, they survived.  

It's only been 8 months, I'm sure I'll have some more stories to tell in the future. 

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