Wednesday, March 25, 2009

My Hubby

Aiden has a really cool Daddy- and Aiden knows it- Jeff left for work yesterday and he cried for 15 minutes. He definitely loves his daddy- and I love him too! My husband is an amazing man, his support of me staying home w/ Aiden means so much. Jeff, these are some of the things I appreciate about you and the man you are:
Thank you for being a great father.
Thank you for being impressed when I say "I got 3 loads of laundry in today"
Thank you for never complaining when I don't cook and you have to eat Ramen for dinner
Thank you for appreciating it when I do have dinner on the table.
Thank you for noticing and appreciating when I clean the house or do laundry.
Thank you for not saying anything when the house is a wreck.
Thank you for giving me a break when I need it.
Thank you for cleaning the kitchen when I have to work at night.
Thank you for cooking breakfast on the weekends.
Thank you for playing w/ Aiden even when you are tired from work.
Thank you for getting up in the middle of the night when he's fussy.
Thank you for making "date nights" a priority for us.
Thank you for calling me during the day to check on us.
Thank you for who you are and all you do for our family! I'm so glad I have you as my partner in this adventure called life. I love you honey!


  1. That is SO sweet!
    I can add one... Thank you Jeff for being a great Father and taking such good care of my daughter - oh, and thanks for Aiden... :-)
    Love Dad

  2. Oh my you made me cry! That is so sweet, when Jeff was growing up, he would thank me for the things I did for him....that's one of the reasons I love him so much & of course love him for the man he has become. I am sure you and Aiden make him a happy Dad & husband. You & Jeff have made me so proud of all you have done and the life you live is an example of what love & marriage is all about!
