Wednesday, October 31, 2012


For Halloween, Aiden and Ty were pirates!  They loved their costumes and were really excited about trick-or-treating.  They practiced saying "trick-or-treat" and "arrrrrrrr" before we left the house!  Our first stop was church for the Trunk or Treat.  The boys played games at each car and got candy.  We saw Sadie and Clara and had to take a pic with the girls!

Since Jeff was working, Gram and Chief came over to help me go trick-or-treating with the boys.  Gram drove the "bus" as the boys called it and Chief walked with the boys to each house.  They hopped in and out of the back of the yukon and thought that was really fun!  Chief made sure they said "Thank You" at every house.  Aiden was shy at first and would say it very quietly, but by the end of the night he got the hang of it.  Ty on the other hand would yell "Dank You" to everyone!

After we were done, the boys each picked out one piece of candy from the pile.  Ty picked a huge sucker that had gum in the middle.  I couldn't wait for him to finish it because it was way past bed time- we had to save it for another day. :-)
Mark was worn out from all the festivities!  He had fun riding along in the car.

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