Thursday, October 18, 2012

Mark's first week

The newest member of our family fits in just perfectly.  His first week has been great.  The boys were very excited (and a little wild) on Friday night when we brought Mark home.  They both wanted to hold him and love on him.  We've explained that they have to be gentle and they are getting the hang of it.  Both of them have adjusted really well to Mark.  They are helpful and neither of them seem jealous, which I am so thankful for. 
We had a relaxing weekend with a few visitors and lots of good food.  We spent time outside- the weather was perfect and we enjoyed our new family of 5! 
Gram took some time off work to help me out with the three boys during the week and she has been wonderful to have around.  My house stayed clean and all the laundry got done!  Mark had a doctors appointment and Aiden went back to school.  We started back into our routine and it's going well.   


Mark had his first bath at home and he didn't like being cold, but we got him washed up and back in to some warm clothes.  Aiden was a great help and was very interested in how we gave him a bath.  Aiden has even helped changed diapers. 
We received more dinners from our wonderful church family during the week.  Food has been such a great blessing during this time.  I am so thankful for all the people who have brought meals. 
Jeff likes to let Mark lay on his chest at night, and he'll fall right to sleep.  I am in love with this new little person God has given us and I'm so honored to be his mom.  I feel so blessed!

1 comment:

  1. The pictures are so sweet of Baby Mark, he already has my heart, as well as Aiden and Ty. Heidi, you and Jeff are wonderful parents. I am so proud of you and the boys. I love all of you so much, and you have added so much joy to my life.
    Love Mom & Nannie
