Tuesday, December 11, 2012

2 months

Mark is 2 months old today!  Can I just say that he has gotten so cute as he is starting to fill out.  I am so crazy about him and his adorable face.
Mark . . .
eats on average every three hours.  Sometimes he'll go 4, and when he's really hungry just 2. 
has been sleeping well.  He usually goes down around 10pm and sleeps for 4-5 hours, then nurses and goes right back to sleep.
has been smiling and grinning at Jeff and I just this week.
still keeps that confused look on his face most of the time.
rolls over (front to back)
loves his passy.  He usually needs it to fall asleep, but then spits it out.
is getting very heavy (especially in his carseat).  He's going to be a big boy!
is a great car rider, and often naps in his carseat.
loves the bouncy seat and spends most of his day in it.
is filling out his 0-3 month clothes.  Most are getting tight.  He has just upgraded to a size 2 diaper.




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