Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Day

I might say this every year, but THIS year was so much fun with the boys and the anticipation of Santa.  I'll be honest, Christmas Eve was a rough day and we had a misbehaving toddler on our hands, so I wasn't quite sure he was going to come, but Santa came through.  Ty walked into our room around 7:30am (later than usual- we were thankful) and quietly said, "Santa brought me a Remote Control Umicar".  Jeff and I wondered how long he had been in the living room, if he sat and looked at everything or if he just walked by and noticed that one toy.  We told him to go tell Aiden so we could start opening presents.  They wanted to play with everything Santa had put out; their R/C car/dump truck, and their new kitchen table.  We opened all the presents and the stockings; they wanted to eat their candy right away.

We took the boys shopping earlier and they each picked out a gift for the other.  Jeff took Ty and I took Aiden and turns out we bought the same thing, but different characters thankfully.  Aiden picked out an Elmo puzzle for Ty and Ty choose a Doc McStuffens puzzle for Aiden.  Here Ty is giving Aiden his gift. :-)

Santa brought Dadda a really nice gift this year and he was so excited to use it!  He cooked a Prime Rib on his new Green Egg and it was delicious.  Both boys, but especially Aiden are fascinated by the grill and watching the temperature change on Jeff's wireless digital thermometer.
Nannie came over and brought us lots of wonderful gifts.  The boys love the tent she brought and the cash register.  They played with it all afternoon.
Mark was a happy baby and had a great first Christmas!  He ate and slept, just like every other day in his short life. 

1 comment:

  1. Loved all the pictures, such a sweet picture of Aiden giving Ty his present to him.
    Mark has a "muffin top like Nannie", sweet picture. Christmas day was wonderful spending time with all of you and seeing the boys, such a good age, they were so excited about Santa, it made me excited to watch them having so much fun.
