Wednesday, August 26, 2009

18 months!

Can you believe it? Aiden is 18 months old today! I heard it a million times from family and friends and they were all right, kids really do grow up fast. My once little baby boy is such a kid now. He is so big-30 lbs! which BTW is getting really heavy to lift up and down. I have enjoyed this first year and a half so much. There have been many firsts! And I'm looking forward to all the new things to come. Here's a couple pictures to look back;

He was 5 days old in this picture, taking a "sun bath" to heal the jaundice. It really doesn't look much like him now, but look how little!
This picture was taken about a year ago, when Aiden was just 6 months! What a chunky boy!

1 comment:

  1. Time does fly by so fast, I well remember the day Aiden was he is talking and climbing and is such a joy to be around! I love him so much!
