Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Before I had Aiden, all my friends and family told me that kids go through clothes so fast. . . and they were right . . . he did. He was in the newborn size for about a week and the 0-3 month size for only the first month. There were actually some clothes that he never got to wear. He was a big kid and he grew really fast (and still is). The thing I didn't realize is that his feet would grow so fast. I never put shoes on him until he started walking. People also bought me shoes that he never wore. The first time I put shoes on him he was a size 4. This was this past winter- November. I got this great pair of cute brown shoes from a yard sale (on right in pic). He wore them to church and with his "nicer" clothes, but I wanted to get him some good tennis shoes for play. I went to the store and found some adorable Nike's- all boys need Nike's right? I bought one size up, so he could wear them for a while. They were $24- a lot for me to spend on a pair of shoes, but I splurged because they were so cute- I thought they would last for the next year or so. Boy was I wrong. I think he wore them for about 2 months. Jeff put on his sandals this past weekend (size 6) and he was shoving Aiden's foot in them. They are now too small. So here we are in June (7 months since the first pair of shoes) and Aiden is wearing a size 7. 4 sizes in 7 months!! At this rate, he'll be ready to join the circus by the time he's 5. (clown feet) I bought these shoes at Wal-Mart for $10(left in pic). No more $24 Nikes that he'll only wear for 2 months! Ha Ha!

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